Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Locked Groove.

I love music. I love the idea of writing about the music that I enjoy. I love that the internet provides me with the ability to just throw my thoughts and opinions out into the void. I've tried my hand at daily blogging and I found that while the first week or two goes quite well, I soon run out of interesting things to say on a daily basis. Slowly but surely, daily posts become weekly, become monthly, become never. Perhaps its that I lack the discipline or time to sit down and write interesting thoughts Monday through Sunday. While that may figure into it, it may also just be that I'm not quite as interesting as I believe myself to be.

But I love the IDEA of blogging. 

So I think that I've come up with a recipe for success that allows me to explore new music and then report back to the world at large on my findings and experiences. And it's an idea that, while not wholly original, I'm quite excited about nonetheless. Ladies and gentleman, I am pleased to present and welcome you to 'The Locked Groove!'

The idea is to pick an album a week and listen to it over and over throughout the week. Spend time with it, learn its ins and outs, its highs and lows; and then at the end of the week report my findings to you fine folk. Everything from classic-all-time-great albums to new releases are up for grabs, and since it's a wild and wooly world of music out there I thought it best to lay down some ground rules.

The Rules of  'The Locked Groove' are these:
1) The albums featured will be ones that I have not listened to in their entirety before but are ones that are generally acknowledged to be worth hearing.
2) I MUST listen to it at least once a day and at least 7 times in the week
3) On one of my listens, I will read the lyrics to each song as they play (if applicable)
4) On Sunday of each week I will post my thoughts on my listening experiences and announce next week's album (suggestions welcome) 

I had a really hard time deciding what to start with. But I think I've decided to rest on Tom Waits' 'Rain Dogs'; I thought it would be an interesting way to kick things off. And its also an artist and album that I've been wanting to spend some time with for awhile. I listened to it yesterday. I'm listening to it now while I type this and it will be keeping me company for the rest of the week.

So that's about it. I hope to see you here every week. And I will do my utmost to be here to meet you.
'Til Sunday then.

1 comment:

  1. He's a game of several halves is old Tom, and I'm sure that most of them are worthwhile, from his gentler jazzier piano-based stuff to his screeching with a harpoon later years. I'm a sucker for the early kinder on the ears variant myself, a la Heart of Saturday Night, One from the Heart et al. That said I think you've landed on one of his reputed classics with this one, so I don't think you'll have much trouble relating to it. I'll keep my eyeball on you. I like the concept a lot and will have a think what to recommend to you.
